4 Benefits Of Belonging To A Non-Denominational Church
ShareWorshiping together is one of the key pleasures in the Christian life, and there's no better place to engage in corporate worship than the church. However, where and with whom you worship are important questions that will influence your faith. Many people of faith choose to worship at non-denominational churches for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the benefits you can gain from choosing a non-denominational church as your home church:
1. Avoid denominational conflicts
Non-denominal churches focus on the core tenets of the Christian faith. They believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross, and was resurrected to pay for the sins of mankind. Many Christians prefer non-denominational churches where they can focus on the truth and beauty of Jesus's ministry instead of interdenominational conflicts.
2. Learn about Jesus in a safe, supportive environment
Non-denominational churches strive to provide a comfortable environment where everyone can explore their faith. You'll be able to learn about Jesus, God, and the Bible in weekly sermons. Most non-denominational churches encourage people to hang out after Sunday service ends. Fellowshipping with other Christians can help you develop bonds that will deepen your comfort at your new church. At a non-denominational church, you should feel free to bring any theological questions you have to your religious leader or fellow believers.
3. Take advantage of small groups and extracurricular activities
Non-denominational churches encourage churchgoers to spend time with each other outside of Sunday gatherings. Many churches offer small groups that meet during the week in members' homes. These groups are akin to Bible studies, where people can discuss the sermon of the previous week, make prayer requests of each other, and provide support for life's trials. Non-denominational churches may sponsor official, church-wide social gatherings as well. Participating in the many facets of church life can help you gain friends and community at your new church.
4. Participate in church life and ministry
Non-denominational churches encourage participation from congregants. As a church member, you'll be encouraged to volunteer as you feel led by the Spirit and as you are able. You can act as an usher, showing people to their seats each Sunday. You can help provide refreshments and even get involved in ministry. Non-denominational churches offer members myriad ways to participate. Unlike more formal churches, which require people to undergo schooling before ministering to others, non-denominational churches encourage lay participation.